Monday, February 28, 2011

And We're Back!

The exclamation point there might be slightly less than exuberant, but I felt like continuity with my departure post would be appropriate.

Break was incredible on so many levels, and while it's certainly nice to have my feet on the ground and my bags unpacked for the last time in the near future, I'll miss the places I've been. I've got over 900 pictures to sort through and a good 50 pages in my journal before I post about the trip, and as I begin teaching either tonight or tomorrow (I love rural China's last minute lifestyle, don't you?) that may not happen until the weekend or even later.

However, this post contains substance of its own! I realized last night that I hadn't put my last album from semester 1 online, so now it's here: Enjoy. I'll be back with break adventures soon enough. :)